Monday, May 6, 2019

Photo Assignment 3 - Events

For this week's photo assignment, I chose Events as my topic. These are some pictures I took prior to the 2019 Saline Prom.

f/ 10.0 1/2000 +1 ISO 25600

Here are some other pictures from the event preparations!

From this assignment I learned more about capturing people, tones, and events in their more pure essence. I learned about shots that look good and show the real mood of the event, as well as learning about what elements of composition to focus on. 


  1. I thought your presentation of the subject in your first photo was well done being that you captured the scene of the moment while still keeping a crisp focal point with a blurred background.

  2. Very good job capturing the personality of your subject -- I loved the use of props. Likewise the photo was very in focus with well used lighting (there are no weird shadows). The sun in the background is a nice inclusion as well because it gives the photo a warmer feeling. Really good job
