Monday, May 13, 2019

Photo Assignment 4 - Black & White

For Photo Assignment 4, I chose to do a black and white photo in order to demonstrate contrast in a picture.
This is the original picture.

f / 7.1
ISO 3600

And this is the black and white photo that was turned in.

The black and white demonstrates contrast in the picture and helps to bring out certain spots against others. It also goes for a more classic and natural feeling, as the photo demonstrates the subject in a natural position looking up at the camera.

Here are a few other black and white photos.

From this assignment, I learned that black and white photos can really bring out different contrasts and a black and white photo can have a completely different mood than a colored photo.

1 comment:

  1. I like how changing the color of photo one made it much more appealing on the eye to the original. But if I had to change something I think the first photo is over saturated with dark.
