Monday, April 29, 2019

Photo Assignment 2 - Animals

For this week's photo assignment, I chose to do pictures of animals with my very own feline, Wanda, as the subject.

This is the photo I turned in.

f/ 3.5
1/6 Shutter Speed
ISO 1600

I thought that this up-close photo of her shows a lot about her personality, as well as following the rule of thirds with regards to the placement of my subject.

Here are a few other photos from the shoot.

As you can see, my cat Wanda here has a very lively personality. From this photo shoot, I learned more about how to capture personality when an animal is the subject. 


  1. I understand taking photos of animals is very difficult since most of the time they move around a lot.In your best photo the cat seemed to be very blurry and not 100% focused which is something you should have. I recommend bribing your cat with some kind of food in order to get them to sit still or look at the camera. You also had some extra space to the right side which seems like a opportunity for the cat to be looking towards that direction to create a feeling of "flow" for the viewers. Overall you did pretty ok it was just some minor problems that stopped the picture from being great.

  2. I like your use of perspective, shooting the cat upside down -- it gives character to a cat's personality. I noticed the photo was sightly out of focus. I would suggest using a faster shutter speed and adjust your aperture and (perhaps) ISO accordingly because of the low lighting compared with the fast shutter speed to make sure you have ample lighting.
